8 Brazilian Steakhouse Secrets You Never Knew
A churrascaria is a Brazilian steakhouse. The term means "barbecue" in Portuguese and refers to how the meat is prepared.
1. also known as "churrascaria"
Churrasco style of cooking dates back to the 1800s from the gauchos, rural nomadic horseback riders that wrangled cattle for their meat.
2. Brazilian barbeque is centuries old
Brazilians favor the picanha, which is a cut of meat that comes from the top of the rump. It is typically sliced thin and served with rice and beans.
3. Brazilians love picanha
lombo, pig loin, is a popular alternative to steak. Only the finest loin chops are grilled with parmesan cheese.
4. Non-beef Lombo is popular
Due to its family-style beginnings, Brazilian steakhouses are buffets, serving a range of meals, including meats.
5. Brazilian steakhouses are usually all-you-can-eat
Molho campanha is a famous Brazilian salsa prepared with tomatoes, red and green bell peppers, and onion.
6. Acidic sides temper fatty foods' taste
Fogo de Cho, a full-service Brazilian churrascaria, serves rodzio-style at your table.
7. Fogo de Cho is America's largest Brazilian steakhouse chain
Fogo opened its first restaurant in Dallas, Texas, and today has over 60 across the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, and the Middle East.
Big churrascarias provide up to 20 types of meats. Picanha is the most popular cut, followed by alcatra, baby beef, maminha, and costela de Ripa.
8. Over 20 meats are available
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