How To Get Hot Ombre Lips

Tissue paper
Red lipliner
Red lipstick
Orange lipstick

Things You Will Need

Lip brush
Shimmery pale highlighter eyeshadow
Lip balm
Clear Lip gloss

Start with an excellent lip balm. I recommend using a lip scrub before a lip balm to soothe harsh, dry lips.

Step 1

Apply a little concealer over your lips to mask any discoloration or pigmentation. Skip this step if your lips are pink and pigment-free.

Define your lips with a bright red matte lip pencil. Line your lips with shorter strokes from the top. Fill the top lip with the same lip pencil.

Step 2

Apply red lipstick over liner. For a clean finish, mix the lipliner and lipstick with a small lip brush. Use the same concealer as before to brighten the middle lip.

Step 3

Blot your lips gently with a tissue. Lips will be smoothed and excess lipstick removed.

Step 4

Apply vivid orange lipstick to your lips' center. After concealer, apply this lipstick. To plump your lips, apply a translucent lip gloss to the middle.

Step 5

Apply a gentle champagne or highlighter eyeshadow to the bottom lip center. If you don't like lip gloss, skip this step.

Step 6

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