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How To Make Your Feet Soft

Use Baking Soda

Two tablespoons of baking soda in warm water. For 30 minutes, soak your feet. It's best with bath salts. Bath salt is readily available and softens skin and relaxes muscles.

Magic Of Banana

Whip ripe bananas in a mixer.
Apply paste on your feet evenly.
After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Daily Cleaning Regime

Massage in a circular motion, then put on socks to let the oil absorb. Rinse your feet after an hour. For best results, leave oil on skin overnight and rinse off in the morning.

Wonder Of Olive Oil

The easiest technique is to dip a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it to the affected regions.

Use Vinegar

Treat your heels' nasty fissures with a warm apple cider vinegar soak at home!For optimum results, add two drops of dishwashing liquid.

Try Peppermint Oil

Before bed, use peppermint oil on cracked heels. The oil kills germs and bacteria and prevents illnesses due to its antiseptic characteristics. Reduces pain.

DIY Scrub

This scrub is made from oatmeal and lemon juice.
For 30 minutes, apply a paste to the heels.
Cold water rinse it.

Treat It With Honey

In a gallon of warm water, add a cup of raw honey.
Put your feet in the bucket.
Do it daily for 10–15 minutes to get rid of dryness.

Best Natural Moisturizer – Milk

Add a cup of hot milk to a foot soak.
Let your feet soak in it.
You'll enjoy your silky feet if you do this daily!

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