2 tablespoons of coffee grounds 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 tablespoon of honey
1 spoolie brush A stopwatch or timer 2 Q-tips 2 cotton pads or paper towels
step 1
Create a smooth and thick paste by combining all of the ingredients and mixing them together. Give the mixture a few minutes to settle before continuing.
step 2
After washing and drying the eyebrows, use the spoolie brush to comb through them.
step 3
Make sure that you use a flat brush or a Q-tip to apply the paste to your eyebrows. Begin in one of the inside corners and work your way toward the outside.
step 4
Keep the mixture at room temperature for the next half an hour. If you prefer a deeper hue, keep it on for a longer period of time, as long as it is convenient for you.
step 5
After the allotted amount of time has passed, use a cotton pad to remove the color.
step 6
Continue with the same procedure on your other brow.
step 7
As soon as your brows have completely dried, you are free to strut your stuff!