Side Effects of Eating Flax Seeds

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Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil allergies are common. If you experience itching, swelling, redness, or hives, avoid eating these seeds.

May cause allergic reactions

Flaxseeds contain inflammation-reducing omega-3 fatty acids, but flaxseeds can prove to be problematic.

Might worsen inflammation in the body

Flaxseeds often act like estrogen, and that means it could hamper the hormonal balance in your body.

Beware, if you’re trying to conceive

Due to their striking similarity with estrogen, flaxseeds may be harmful for pregnant women.

Unsafe during pregnancy and lactation

Flaxseeds are rich in dietary fibre, but a sudden increase in consumption can increase the number of bowel movements.

May induce loose stools

You may also experience stomach ache, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. 

Flaxseeds should be consumed with water or another drink to prevent intestinal blockages.

It may lead to Intestinal blockage

Flaxseeds induce constipation and obstruction in scleroderma patients. Don't take it without your doctor's OK.

Because flax seeds are high in fibre, they contribute to intestinal blockage and constipation.

Reactive with other medication

In this condition, the absorption of certain medications and supplements gets inhibited. It is best to avoid it, especially when you’re on oral medication to reduce blood sugar levels.

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