Worst Coffee for High Cholesterol

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Those who want stronger coffee may choose espresso every morning.

Espresso may be the worst option for individuals with or trying to prevent high cholesterol, despite the advantages of coffee.

In a recent study, researchers looked at data from nearly 21,000 56.4-year-old subjects.

Espresso drinkers had greater cholesterol, regardless of how much coffee they drank.

Lifestyle interventions to decrease blood cholesterol may include advising patients to switch from plunger coffee to filtered or instant coffee.

Espresso is filtered more than french press coffee, which may be why it raises cholesterol "It "doesn't let the coffee's oils flow into the drink" like unfiltered coffee does.

The research doesn't investigate espresso's high antioxidant qualities. Espresso is fine. It's a wonderful source of antioxidants for folks who don't consume enough fruits and veggies.

French press coffee as an alternative caffeine source "Great choice for consuming the healthy fats in coffee.

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